Man of War Cove, Bahía Magdalena

December 5, 2019

Greetings from Man of War Cove in Bahía Magdalena (“Mag Bay”). Peaceful, tiny village with a gorgeous beach in a bay. Apparently whales were behind us as we sailed in to the bay, but I was too busy dodging fishing buoys at the helm and looking ahead of us for whales to think to look behind us. (Jason was doing a boat project en route.) Good reminder to remember to look behind as we journey forward (literally and figuratively…. hmmm….).  Yesterday we dinghied to the beach, explored, then later dinghied to the tiny village for groceries and bought lobster tails from a fisherman.  Will post about our route here and interim stops at a later time.

Observing a huge falcon that sat on our mast for a while on Tuesday evening
Jumping off the side of the boat
Ryan learning to drive the dinghy. Admittedly he provide a bit more adept than I am. I need to practice more! (Somehow I got our boat in the background too. While taking this through my waterproof pouch. I couldn’t have imagined that if I tried.)
Walking on the beach
The market – inside
The market – from the outside
Fresh lobster tails from the grill, pasta with lemon-butter-Paremsan and tomato-cucumber salad. My cooking game is clearly improving, occasionally.
Sunrise this morning
Brief reunion with our buddy boat SV Pulsar before they left today for Cabo San Lucas. This is Pulsar yesterday morning at anchor.
Photo taken as we entered the bay on Tuesday